Consistency: The Key To Success

Sep 11, 2024

Everyone is looking for the key to "success."

Whatever "success" means to you....because it's different for each of us.

Maybe you've been dreaming about nailing your first arm balance, landing that promotion at work, realizing a financial milestone, or simply building good lifestyle habits.

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Meditation in Motion: Can arm balances become effortless?

Aug 28, 2024

What is meditation?

Everyone seems to have their own idea of what meditation is supposed to be and feel like---except those who never practice it.

Believe it or not, I was part of the latter group for quite a while. 

The first time I thought about medtation, I was downright confused.

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Be, Do, Have: The mindset hack to nail your handstand (and happiness!)

Aug 14, 2024

You've been living your life backwards.

So have I, and so has most of the planet. And I don’t mean upside down, that is my jam. I literally mean backwards. Most of the planet functions from these three principles, and in this order: have, do and be.

I want to have this result.
I want to have...

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Being Anchored: How-to Anchor Yourself

Nov 06, 2023

How do we anchor ourselves?

As a continuation of the previous two parts of our anchored series (if you haven't read those, you can catch up with part 1 here, and part 2 here)...

I am excited to share 10 techniques to support you in finding your anchoring.


Technique #1: Visualization


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Being Anchored: Connecting to Nature's Network

Oct 24, 2023

Do you want to unravel in your life, as the unraveling a complicated rose?

Or witness beautiful synchronicities and connections like the rainbow?

Nature is so complex and well made. It's governed by universal natural laws, so that all living beings can live together, in harmony. Even the food...

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Being Anchored: What it Means to Be Anchored

Sep 01, 2023

Have you ever... seen a soap bubble?

Going away with the wind...
Floating always higher and depleting all hopes of catching it.
And even if you would, it would burst as you touch it.


Now let me ask you... Have you ever been a soap bubble?
My guess is that we may all relate to feeling...

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AHIMSA: Cultivating Self-Love On and Off the Mat

Jun 21, 2023

How can we add love to everything we do, think, and say?

One of the foundational principles of yoga is the practice of AHIMSA, loosely translated as “non-violence.” It teaches us to embrace non-violence and compassion in every thought, word, and action. 

Ahimsa is a concept that...

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Your Mindset Might be Holding You Back

May 04, 2023

"What you think you become, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you create" -Buddha

Our minds are way more powerful than we think. 

Have you ever heard the Buddha quote ‘what you think you become’? The same thing holds true to your arm balance practice!  How you...

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How to Overcome Self-Doubt with Yoga

Dec 06, 2022

Self-doubt sits on our shoulders like a heavy weight.

Some shrug it off easily and continue moving forwards at an inspirational and awe-inspiring pace, while others find that they have to make friends with self-doubt in order to achieve anything. It’s a mindset and whichever camp you...

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Non-attachment and Commitment

Sep 14, 2021

Abhyāsa vairāgyābhyām tannirodhah.

This is yoga sutra 1.12 from The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, and its message is practice and non-attachment - showing up and doing the work of the practice of yoga, the work of life, of being present, without attachment to the result.

That tends to be really...

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