Yogi Flight School is the home of a vibrant community of supportive, encouraging, and motivational individuals from all over the world.
The men of Yogi Flight School continue to...
If you are already a member, you have likely seen a handful of names pop up over and over on our Members Only Facebook group. If you’re not yet a member, you’re missing out! (...and can learn more about...
If you are already a member, you have likely seen a handful of names pop-up over and over on our Members Only Facebook group. If you’re not yet a member, you’re missing out! (...and can learn more about...
If you are already a member, you have likely seen a handful of names pop-up over and over on our Members Only Facebook group. If you’re not yet a member, you’re missing out! (...and can learn more about...
Imagine that you are slowly easing into a wakeful state. Your head is resting so softly on fresh linens that you wonder if you might, in fact, be floating on the clouds. Before you open your eyes, you taste a...
If you are already a member, you have likely seen a handful of names pop-up over and over on our Members Only Facebook group. If you’re not yet a member, you’re missing out! (...and can learn more about...
Over the past two weeks, we explored my 6 C’s to creating transformation that sticks…. we’ve made it through 5 so far: Connection, Consciousness, Choice, Courage and Commitment….which brings us to our final C:
Making real, lasting change in your life is hard.
Over the last 2 weeks, I've shared with you parts of my 6 step process to creating transformation in your life.
I've loved receiving feedback about where you are in your process - the journey of living authentically and creating a future we love is a journey best walked together - thank you for...
Once you’ve decided to make a choice - to walk in the direction of your growth and your freedom, it comes down to our 4th step: COURAGE.
It’s one thing to make a declaration for your life, to see how you get in your own way and to WANT to create a new future of FREEDOM and PURPOSE.
Last week we talked about the first 2 steps in creating transformation that sticks:
1) CONNECTION to your mind, body & spirit and to the VISION you have for your life.
2) CONSCIOUSNESS that your thoughts shape your reality, and your past shapes how you view the world. You have the power and...
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